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Remember Me
1974 day 1413
First game Feb 9th, 2021
games remaining
133 / 135 (98.5%)
Past Champions
  • 2009 DPS (16-4-0)
  • 2008 DPS (13-8-0)
  • 2007 DPS (17-3-0)
  • 2006 iconboxingclub (16-4-0)
  • 2005 iconboxingclub (16-4-0)
  • 2004 eifer (14-7-0)
  • 2003 iconboxingclub (16-5-0)
  • 2002 DPS (17-3-0)
  • 2001 iconboxingclub (17-2-1)
  • 2000 DPS (14-7-0)
  • 1999 nos (16-4-0)
  • 1998 eifer (15-6-0)
  • 1997 nos (16-4-0)
  • 1996 nos (19-1-0)
  • 1995 nos (17-3-0)
  • 1994 iconboxingclub (18-2-0)
  • 1993 iconboxingclub (16-4-0)
  • 1992 iconboxingclub (15-4-0)
  • 1991 swampc1 (15-5-0)
  • 1990 DPS (15-5-1)
  • 1989 nos (17-3-0)
  • 1988 nos (18-2-0)
  • 1987 nos (16-3-1)
  • 1986 Prime (17-2-0)
  • 1985 FastEd (16-4-0)
  • 1984 iconboxingclub (15-4-1)
  • 1983 DPS (17-3-0)
  • 1982 bob sacamano (16-5-0)
  • 1981 AlphaTD (16-4-0)
  • 1980 eifer (14-7-0)
  • 1979 swampc1 (15-6-0)
  • 1978 FastEd (15-5-0)
  • 1977 eifer (15-6-0)
  • 1976 iconboxingclub (13-8-0)
  • 1975 FastEd (12-8-0)
  • 1974 eifer (16-5-0)
The 1974 GTFO Rookie Rolls Results

Only "applicable" attributes are shown for each position. Those include, for QB: MS, PS, PC, AB; for RB: RS, MS, HP, BC, REC; for WR: RS, MS, BC, REC; for TE: MS, HP, BC, REC; for OL: MS, HP; for DL, LB, & DB: MS, HP, INT; for K: KA, AKB; for P: KP.
Refer to the appendix at the bottom of this page for the standard attribute ratings for the "non-applicable" attributes.

Rd.Pick Team Roll Draftee Attributes
1.1 New York Jets 75 (20%) Jack Lambert LB 56 63 13
1.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 62 (100%) Terry Bradshaw QB 13 56 56 56
1.3 Chicago Bears 78 (100%) Billy Thompson DB 56 56 63
1.4 Cincinnati Bengals 56 (10%) Bill Simpson DB 63 44 50
1.5 New England Patriots 76 (40%) Tom Jackson LB 44 69 25
1.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 61 (80%) Bert Jones QB 13 56 56 44
1.7 Denver Broncos 93 (100%) O.J Simpson RB 38 63 38 56 38
1.8 Cleveland Browns 96 (100%) Dan Fouts QB 13 38 63 63
1.9 Detroit Lions 83 (20%) Lynn Swann WR 44 50 56 50
1.10 Kansas City Chiefs 78 (100%) Archie Manning QB 13 50 56 50
1.11 Atlanta Falcons 88 (15%) John Stallworth WR 44 56 63 63
1.12 Miami Dolphins 60 (100%) Franco Harris RB 38 50 44 56 38
1.13 New York Giants 85 (100%) Isiah Robertson LB 56 56 13
1.14 Dallas Cowboys 61 (100%) Chuck Foreman RB 38 50 38 50 38
1.15 Philadelphia Eagles 48 (25%) Randy Gradishar LB 50 50 13
2.1 New York Jets 81 (100%) Mike Webster OL 44 63
2.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 53 (100%) Lem Barney DB 56 56 63
2.3 Chicago Bears 2 (100%) Ken Stabler QB 19 63 50 50
2.4 Cincinnati Bengals 25 (100%) Tommy Casanova DB 50 56 50
2.5 New England Patriots 97 (25%) Perry Smith DB 44 50 56
2.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 6 (100%) Ahmad Rashad WR 38 56 56 56
2.7 Denver Broncos 47 (100%) Jack Tatum DB 50 63 56
2.8 Cleveland Browns 12 (100%) Charlie Joiner WR 44 63 50 63
2.9 Detroit Lions 54 (100%) Gale Sayers RB 44 63 44 56 38
2.10 Kansas City Chiefs 92 (100%) Mercury Morris RB 38 56 31 56 31
2.11 Atlanta Falcons 97 (100%) Calvin Hill RB 38 56 31 50 31
2.12 Miami Dolphins 42 (70%) Ed Oneil LB 50 50 13
2.13 New York Giants 37 (60%) Ron Jaworski QB 13 38 56 44
2.14 Dallas Cowboys 76 (100%) Dick Anderson DB 56 56 56
2.15 Philadelphia Eagles 78 (100%) Joe Lavender DB 56 31 44
3.1 New York Jets 97 (30%) Mark Van Eeghen RB 38 38 44 50 25
3.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 68 (40%) Brad Van Pelt LB 38 69 19
3.3 Chicago Bears 12 (25%) Isaac Curtis WR 44 50 50 50
3.4 Cincinnati Bengals 4 (100%) Leon Gray OL 38 69
3.5 New England Patriots 45 (70%) Roscoe Word DB 50 50 50
3.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 42 (100%) Ted Hendricks LB 56 56 19
3.7 Denver Broncos 3 (100%) Ken Riley DB 56 44 56
3.8 Cleveland Browns 95 (100%) Lemar Parrish DB 56 44 56
3.9 Detroit Lions 32 (100%) Zeke Moore DB 56 56 63
3.10 Kansas City Chiefs 61 (100%) Joe Greene DL 63 69 13
3.11 Atlanta Falcons 93 (15%) Jimmy Allen DB 44 44 50
3.12 Miami Dolphins 42 (100%) Mike Rae QB 19 44 38 44
3.13 New York Giants 90 (100%) Rich Caster WR 31 56 50 56
3.14 Dallas Cowboys 46 (70%) Jim LeClair LB 50 50 13
3.15 Philadelphia Eagles 38 (30%) Eddie Brown DB 50 31 44
4.1 New York Jets 87 (100%) Bill Kollar DL 50 63 13
4.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 38 (100%) Lance Alworth WR 44 63 56 63
4.3 Chicago Bears 82 (100%) Jack Ham LB 50 56 13
4.4 Cincinnati Bengals 95 (100%) Dave Hampton RB 38 50 31 50 31
4.5 New England Patriots 57 (100%) Lyle Alzado DL 44 69 13
4.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 92 (10%) Mo Spencer DB 44 56 44
4.7 Denver Broncos 60 (100%) Jim Fassel QB 13 44 50 50
4.8 Cleveland Browns 41 (100%) Charlie Waters DB 56 44 50
4.9 Detroit Lions 78 (100%) Roger Staubach QB 19 56 63 50
4.10 Kansas City Chiefs 53 (30%) Jeris White DB 56 38 50
4.11 Atlanta Falcons 95 (30%) Danny White QB 13 38 44 50
4.12 Miami Dolphins 62 (100%) Harvey Martin DL 44 63 13
4.13 New York Giants 97 (100%) Nate Wright DB 63 44 44
4.14 Dallas Cowboys 36 (80%) John Bunting LB 44 63 13
4.15 Philadelphia Eagles 78 (100%) Lynn Dickey QB 13 44 44 50
5.1 New York Jets 47 (100%) Joe DeLamiel OL 44 63
5.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 36 (65%) Delvin Williams RB 38 38 25 50 31
5.3 Chicago Bears 15 (100%) Kelvin Korver OL 38 69
5.4 Cincinnati Bengals 55 (100%) Mark Arneson LB 50 50 19
5.5 New England Patriots 10 (60%) Waymond Bryant LB 38 56 31
5.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 4 (25%) Butch Atkinson DB 44 50 56
5.7 Denver Broncos 66 (100%) Phil Villapiano LB 50 50 13
5.8 Cleveland Browns 71 (100%) Cliff Branch WR 38 50 50 50
5.9 Detroit Lions 34 (100%) Paul Krause DB 63 44 63
5.10 Kansas City Chiefs 11 (65%) Thom Darden DB 50 38 50
5.11 Atlanta Falcons 58 (100%) Rick Volk DB 63 38 44
5.12 Miami Dolphins 36 (100%) Delles Howell DB 50 44 50
5.13 New York Giants 72 (100%) Dave Butz DL 44 63 13
5.14 Dallas Cowboys 94 (100%) Charles Davis DL 38 63 13
5.15 Philadelphia Eagles 94 (100%) Lawrence McCutcheon RB 38 44 38 50 38
6.1 New York Jets 51 (80%) Jack Youngblood DL 50 56 13
6.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 87 (100%) Ken Willard RB 38 50 31 50 31
6.3 Chicago Bears 47 (100%) Fred Dryer DL 56 63 13
6.4 Cincinnati Bengals 48 (90%) Walt Patulski DL 38 63 13
6.5 New England Patriots 42 (100%) Charlie Weaver LB 44 56 25
6.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 14 (90%) Allan Ellis DB 50 25 50
6.7 Denver Broncos 22 (100%) Harold Jackson WR 38 56 50 50
6.8 Cleveland Browns 45 (100%) Dick Butkus LB 56 63 13
6.9 Detroit Lions 36 (100%) Jim Langer OL 31 69
6.10 Kansas City Chiefs 1 (100%) Alan Page DL 63 63 13
6.11 Atlanta Falcons 36 (100%) Mike Bass DB 56 44 56
6.12 Miami Dolphins 26 (50%) Bill Bryant DB 44 50 44
6.13 New York Giants 82 (85%) Wilbur Jackson RB 38 44 31 50 31
6.14 Dallas Cowboys 52 (100%) Bruce Taylor DB 50 63 38
6.15 Philadelphia Eagles 72 (30%) Gregg Bingham LB 50 50 19
7.1 New York Jets
7.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 31 (100%) Pat Fischer DB 63 38 63
7.3 Chicago Bears 82 (100%) Larry Csonka RB 38 44 63 56 38
7.4 Cincinnati Bengals 73 (100%) Greg Landry QB 13 50 50 50
7.5 New England Patriots 92 (10%) Mel Lunsford DL 44 69 19
7.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 71 (100%) Marlin Briscoe WR 38 56 63 56
7.7 Denver Broncos 81 (20%) Don Goode LB 38 56 19
7.8 Cleveland Browns 8 (100%) Dave Gallagher DL 50 56 13
7.9 Detroit Lions 3 (100%) John Hannah OL 38 63
7.10 Kansas City Chiefs 19 (100%) Spider Lockhart DB 56 38 56
7.11 Atlanta Falcons 62 (100%) Tom DeLeone OL 25 63
7.12 Miami Dolphins 60 (100%) Jerry Sisemore OL 38 63
7.13 New York Giants 71 (20%) Altie Taylor RB 38 50 38 50 38
7.14 Dallas Cowboys 72 (100%) Brig Owens DB 56 38 56
7.15 Philadelphia Eagles 77 (80%) Steve Nelson LB 50 44 13
8.1 New York Jets 66 (40%) Bobby Douglass QB 19 38 38 50
8.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 74 (100%) Keith Wortman OL 25 63
8.3 Chicago Bears 57 (100%) Roger Wehrli DB 44 50 56
8.4 Cincinnati Bengals 15 (100%) Clarence Scott DB 50 31 44
8.5 New England Patriots 63 (70%) Clyde Powers DB 44 50 50
8.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 58 (100%) Ray Easterling DB 44 50 50
8.7 Denver Broncos 18 (100%) Lloyd Mumphord DB 50 38 50
8.8 Cleveland Browns 60 (100%) Vernon Holland OL 38 63
8.9 Detroit Lions 99 (20%) Bob Parsons TE 38 56 50 56
8.10 Kansas City Chiefs 37 (100%) Jack Rudnay OL 31 63
8.11 Atlanta Falcons 90 (45%) Steve Neils LB 38 56 19
8.12 Miami Dolphins 100 (10%) Sam Cunningham RB 38 38 56 56 38
8.13 New York Giants 32 (50%) Jeff Siemon LB 50 44 13
8.14 Dallas Cowboys 65 (100%) Bruce VanDyke OL 25 56
8.15 Philadelphia Eagles 53 (100%) Don Reese DL 44 56 19
9.1 New York Jets 59 (100%) Dave Lapham OL 38 56
9.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 63 (100%) Gene Upshaw OL 38 63
9.3 Chicago Bears 47 (100%) Doug Dieken OL 19 63
9.4 Cincinnati Bengals 29 (100%) Keith Fahnhorst OL 38 56
9.5 New England Patriots 55 (40%) Glenn Doughty WR 44 44 56 50
9.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 67 (100%) Larry McCarren OL 31 56
9.7 Denver Broncos 60 (25%) Steve Craig TE 31 44 50 44
9.8 Cleveland Browns 96 (100%) Joe Beauchamp DB 50 44 56
9.9 Detroit Lions 17 (70%) Derland Moore DL 50 50 13
9.10 Kansas City Chiefs 32 (100%) Warren Wells WR 44 56 50 56
9.11 Atlanta Falcons 96 (100%) Dave Delby OL 31 56
9.12 Miami Dolphins 14 (50%) Rick Middleton LB 44 44 19
9.13 New York Giants 21 (100%) Jean Barrett OL 31 56
9.14 Dallas Cowboys 98 (100%) Jim Pietrzak OL 31 50
9.15 Philadelphia Eagles 62 (100%) Mike Barnes DL 44 56 13
10.1 New York Jets 72 (100%) Royce Smith OL 31 56
10.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 19 (100%) Pete Barnes LB 50 50 13
10.3 Chicago Bears 75 (100%) Steve Kiner LB 44 63 19
10.4 Cincinnati Bengals 49 (100%) Bob Howard DB 50 44 56
10.5 New England Patriots 52 (55%) Dexter Bussey RB 38 38 38 50 38
10.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 85 (100%) Mike Taylor LB 50 44 13
10.7 Denver Broncos 59 (100%) Don Morrison OL 31 56
10.8 Cleveland Browns 34 (100%) Dave Foley OL 31 63
10.9 Detroit Lions 61 (100%) Charles Goodrum OL 25 56
10.10 Kansas City Chiefs 39 (55%) Doug Allen LB 44 50 13
10.11 Atlanta Falcons 71 (100%) Tom Luken OL 19 56
10.12 Miami Dolphins 36 (65%) Ike Harris WR 38 44 50 44
10.13 New York Giants 87 (100%) Stan Walters OL 25 56
10.14 Dallas Cowboys 30 (100%) Jeff Yeates DL 25 63 13
10.15 Philadelphia Eagles 44 (40%) Eddie McMillian DB 44 50 38
11.1 New York Jets 52 (30%) Clint Haselrig WR 44 44 56 56
11.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 11 (40%) Mike McCoy DL 25 63 13
11.3 Chicago Bears 87 (20%) Albert Chandler TE 44 44 63 50
11.4 Cincinnati Bengals 29 (75%) Cody Jones DL 50 50 13
11.5 New England Patriots 73 (100%) Charlie Getty OL 31 50
11.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 96 (100%) Steve Riley OL 31 50
11.7 Denver Broncos 77 (100%) Mike Sensabaugh DB 44 56 44
11.8 Cleveland Browns 97 (100%) Bill Bergey LB 50 50 13
11.9 Detroit Lions 19 (100%) Harold Carmichael WR 38 44 50 50
11.10 Kansas City Chiefs 93 (15%) Jim Youngblood LB 44 63 13
11.11 Atlanta Falcons 87 (30%) Rick Dvorak DL 38 63 13
11.12 Miami Dolphins 70 (60%) Roger Carr WR 38 44 50 50
11.13 New York Giants 56 (100%) Art Shell OL 25 63
11.14 Dallas Cowboys 27 (100%) Mel D. Gray WR 31 44 56 50
11.15 Philadelphia Eagles 25 (100%) Robert Pratt OL 38 50
12.1 New York Jets 55 (100%) Shelby Jordan OL 31 50
12.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 35 (100%) Jerry Mays DL 38 63 13
12.3 Chicago Bears 64 (100%) Skip Thomas DB 50 56 50
12.4 Cincinnati Bengals 86 (20%) Barney Chavous DL 44 56 6
12.5 New England Patriots 85 (100%) Pete Adams OL 31 50
12.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 34 (100%) Guy Morris OL 31 50
12.7 Denver Broncos 20 (100%) Rich Buzin OL 38 56
12.8 Cleveland Browns 69 (100%) Deacon Jones DL 50 69 6
12.9 Detroit Lions 56 (100%) Ross Brupbacher LB 44 50 19
12.10 Kansas City Chiefs 59 (100%) Glen Holloway OL 44 50
12.11 Atlanta Falcons 83 (100%) Robert Woods OL 31 50
12.12 Miami Dolphins 29 (60%) Jackie Wallace DB 44 44 44
12.13 New York Giants 36 (100%) Bob Johnson OL 25 56
12.14 Dallas Cowboys 31 (100%) Reggie McKenzie OL 31 50
12.15 Philadelphia Eagles 88 (100%) Bill Adams OL 25 50
13.1 New York Jets 69 (100%) Bobby Bryant DB 44 50 56
13.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 90 (100%) Fred Biletnikoff WR 44 50 56 50
13.3 Chicago Bears 64 (100%) Bob Hyland OL 44 56
13.4 Cincinnati Bengals 48 (100%) Rayfield Wright OL 19 63
13.5 New England Patriots 18 (100%) Dan Neal OL 31 50
13.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 54 (100%) Dave Pureifory LB 44 56 13
13.7 Denver Broncos 60 (100%) Macauthur Lane RB 38 44 19 56 44
13.8 Cleveland Browns 3 (100%) George Goedekke OL 38 56
13.9 Detroit Lions 35 (100%) Fran Tarkenton QB 19 50 63 63
13.10 Kansas City Chiefs 57 (40%) Paul Seymour TE 31 44 50 44
13.11 Atlanta Falcons 82 (100%) Earl Thomas TE 38 50 50 56
13.12 Miami Dolphins 64 (100%) Ray Oldham DB 44 44 44
13.13 New York Giants 16 (100%) Bobby Bell LB 56 38 13
13.14 Dallas Cowboys 81 (100%) James Harris QB 13 50 44 50
13.15 Philadelphia Eagles 10 (100%) Larron Jackson OL 25 50
14.1 New York Jets 48 (45%) Gary Marangi QB 13 44 44 50
14.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 6 (100%) Willis Crenshaw TE 31 44 50 50
14.3 Chicago Bears 81 (100%) Randy Vataha WR 31 44 56 50
14.4 Cincinnati Bengals 60 (100%) Doug Adams LB 44 50 13
14.5 New England Patriots 92 (35%) Carl Barzilauskas DL 19 56 6
14.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 33 (100%) Lydell Mitchell RB 38 44 31 50 38
14.7 Denver Broncos 58 (60%) Ron Rydalch DL 44 50 13
14.8 Cleveland Browns 42 (100%) Craig Cotton TE 38 44 56 50
14.9 Detroit Lions 88 (30%) Steve Zabel LB 44 56 19
14.10 Kansas City Chiefs 5 (50%) Jim Bishop TE 38 44 56 44
14.11 Atlanta Falcons 49 (100%) Speedy Thomas WR 25 56 50 19
14.12 Miami Dolphins 50 (100%) Bob Duyne OL 31 44
14.13 New York Giants 23 (100%) George Farmer WR 31 44 50 44
14.14 Dallas Cowboys 14 (100%) Larry Brown RB 38 44 44 50 38
14.15 Philadelphia Eagles 84 (100%) Robert Penchion OL 25 50
15.1 New York Jets 96 (15%) Johnny Rodgers WR 38 38 50 50
15.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 31 (100%) Charlie Stukes DB 50 50 50
15.3 Chicago Bears 60 (70%) Don Woods RB 38 38 44 50 44
15.4 Cincinnati Bengals 84 (100%) Ron Yary OL 25 56
15.5 New England Patriots 74 (45%) Norris Weese QB 13 38 38 50
15.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 48 (100%) Rocky Bleier RB 38 44 38 50 44
15.7 Denver Broncos 10 (100%) Skip Vanderbrunt LB 50 44 19
15.8 Cleveland Browns 42 (100%) Mike Evans OL 25 56
15.9 Detroit Lions 66 (30%) Danny Rhodes LB 44 56 19
15.10 Kansas City Chiefs 28 (100%) Mal Snider OL 19 50
15.11 Atlanta Falcons 52 (60%) Tom Graham LB 38 50 13
15.12 Miami Dolphins 17 (80%) Charles Dejurnett DL 38 56 13
15.13 New York Giants 3 (100%) Charlie Cowan OL 31 50
15.14 Dallas Cowboys 94 (100%) Stu Voigt TE 31 56 50 44
15.15 Philadelphia Eagles 40 (30%) Gary Butler TE 31 44 50 44
16.1 New York Jets 6 (20%) Jimmy Kennedy TE 25 44 50 44
16.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 42 (100%) Nemiah Wilson DB 50 50 50
16.3 Chicago Bears 97 (5%) John Cagle DL 31 63 6
16.4 Cincinnati Bengals 86 (100%) Jim Reilly OL 38 50
16.5 New England Patriots 50 (30%) Bobby Brooks DB 38 38 38
16.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 83 (100%) Willie Parker OL 25 50
16.7 Denver Broncos 16 (100%) Bill Lueck OL 44 50
16.8 Cleveland Browns 43 (60%) Godwin Turk LB 44 56 19
16.9 Detroit Lions 19 (100%) Wayne Mulligan OL 31 50
16.10 Kansas City Chiefs 31 (100%) Mike Wilson OL 25 50
16.11 Atlanta Falcons 42 (100%) Larry Wilson DB 50 50 56
16.12 Miami Dolphins 12 (100%) Jim Mitchell TE 31 50 50 50
16.13 New York Giants 49 (100%) Kerry Reardon DB 44 44 44
16.14 Dallas Cowboys 17 (100%) Ron Sellers WR 38 44 50 44
16.15 Philadelphia Eagles 100 (100%) Dave Williams WR 31 44 50 50
17.1 New York Jets 74 (45%) John Cappelletti RB 38 38 31 50 31
17.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 99 (100%) John Dutton DL 38 56 13
17.3 Chicago Bears 87 (100%) Henry Allison OL 31 50
17.4 Cincinnati Bengals 51 (100%) Dale Farley LB 44 44 13
17.5 New England Patriots 2 (100%) Woody Green RB 44 38 56 56 38
17.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 27 (100%) Blaine Nye OL 31 50
17.7 Denver Broncos 8 (100%) Forrest Blue OL 19 56
17.8 Cleveland Browns 6 (100%) Joe Dawkins RB 38 44 38 50 31
17.9 Detroit Lions 89 (100%) Jim Hill DB 44 44 50
17.10 Kansas City Chiefs 5 (30%) Terry Metcalf RB 38 44 25 50 31
17.11 Atlanta Falcons 76 (100%) Mike Kadish DL 31 56 13
17.12 Miami Dolphins 42 (100%) Jon Morris OL 19 56
17.13 New York Giants 43 (100%) Mark Moseley K 75 69
17.14 Dallas Cowboys 44 (100%) John Shinners OL 25 50
17.15 Philadelphia Eagles 84 (100%) Leonard Garrett RB 25 31 75 50 25
18.1 New York Jets 81 (90%) Greg Latta TE 25 44 31 38
18.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 40 (100%) Tommy Nobis LB 44 56 25
18.3 Chicago Bears 17 (70%) Greg Pruitt RB 38 38 38 50 31
18.4 Cincinnati Bengals 30 (30%) Barry Smith WR 38 44 50 44
18.5 New England Patriots 97 (100%) Willie Hall LB 38 56 13
18.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 82 (100%) Jim Lynch LB 44 44 13
18.7 Denver Broncos 2 (100%) Chester Marcol K 63 63
18.8 Cleveland Browns 62 (100%) Frank Gallagher OL 44 50
18.9 Detroit Lions 98 (100%) Carl Garret RB 44 44 31 50 38
18.10 Kansas City Chiefs 69 (100%) Jim Otis RB 38 44 38 50 25
18.11 Atlanta Falcons 6 (100%) Steve Furness DL 38 56 13
18.12 Miami Dolphins 72 (100%) Ray Nitschke LB 50 50 13
18.13 New York Giants 16 (100%) Charlie Greer DB 44 44 44
18.14 Dallas Cowboys 68 (100%) Al Atkinson LB 50 38 13
18.15 Philadelphia Eagles 75 (30%) Dwayne Crump DB 31 25 44
19.1 New York Jets 36 (100%) Bob Thomas K 56 56
19.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 34 (100%) Pat Matson OL 38 50
19.3 Chicago Bears 75 (100%) Jerry Stovall DB 50 44 50
19.4 Cincinnati Bengals 91 (100%) Bob Hayes WR 38 44 44 56
19.5 New England Patriots 1 (100%) Bob Adams TE 38 50 56 44
19.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 1 (30%) Fred Cook DL 38 50 13
19.7 Denver Broncos 71 (100%) Tom Mullen OL 31 44
19.8 Cleveland Browns 23 (100%) Norm Thompson DB 44 38 50
19.9 Detroit Lions 59 (100%) Norm Bulaich RB 38 44 44 50 31
19.10 Kansas City Chiefs 73 (30%) Otis Armstrong RB 44 38 31 50 31
19.11 Atlanta Falcons 57 (100%) John Riggins RB 38 38 56 63 31
19.12 Miami Dolphins 58 (30%) Jim Teal LB 38 50 13
19.13 New York Giants 88 (100%) Tony McGee DL 38 56 13
19.14 Dallas Cowboys 58 (100%) Dave Grayson DB 44 50 56
19.15 Philadelphia Eagles 54 (100%) Jerry Moore DB 38 56 44
20.1 New York Jets 33 (60%) Ken Hutcherson LB 31 38 31
20.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 30 (100%) Larry Little OL 31 50
20.3 Chicago Bears 33 (100%) Ralph Neely OL 25 50
20.4 Cincinnati Bengals 35 (30%) Carl Summerell QB 13 31 31 44
20.5 New England Patriots 72 (100%) Garo Yepremian K 75 75
20.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 71 (100%) Jim White DL 38 56 13
20.7 Denver Broncos 53 (55%) Mike Boryla QB 13 38 31 50
20.8 Cleveland Browns 38 (100%) Charlie Smith RB 38 44 25 63 38
20.9 Detroit Lions 94 (100%) Hoyle Granger RB 38 38 75 56 25
20.10 Kansas City Chiefs 68 (100%) Wally Chambers DL 31 56 13
20.11 Atlanta Falcons 26 (100%) Tom Dempsey K 63 44
20.12 Miami Dolphins 36 (100%) Claudie Minor OL 31 44
20.13 New York Giants 64 (100%) Joe Ehrmann DL 31 56 13
20.14 Dallas Cowboys 10 (65%) Evan Jolitz LB 31 50 13
20.15 Philadelphia Eagles 48 (25%) Jerome Barkum WR 31 31 50 38
21.1 New York Jets 2 (45%) Dan Dickel LB 31 50 13
21.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 100 (100%) Tom Neville OL 19 50
21.3 Chicago Bears 34 (100%) Ken Lee LB 38 56 13
21.4 Cincinnati Bengals 54 (100%) Marv Hubbard RB 38 44 31 50 31
21.5 New England Patriots 23 (30%) Tom Owen QB 13 25 44 44
21.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 31 (100%) L.C. Greenwood DL 38 56 13
21.7 Denver Broncos 98 (100%) Bob Chandler WR 38 38 56 44
21.8 Cleveland Browns 76 (100%) Claude Humphrey DL 50 56 13
21.9 Detroit Lions 24 (100%) Bill Stanfield DL 50 50 13
21.10 Kansas City Chiefs 65 (70%) Ken Payne WR 38 38 56 50
21.11 Atlanta Falcons 67 (70%) Wallace Francis WR 38 38 44 44
21.12 Miami Dolphins 13 (100%) Randy Jackson OL 44 44
21.13 New York Giants 81 (100%) Reuben Gant TE 38 50 50 44
21.14 Dallas Cowboys 91 (100%) Curley Culp DL 50 50 13
21.15 Philadelphia Eagles 23 (100%) Brent McClanahan RB 31 31 69 50 25
22.1 New York Jets 10 (100%) Speedy Duncan DB 44 50 50
22.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 56 (100%) John Ebersole LB 44 38 19
22.3 Chicago Bears 96 (100%) Anthony Martin LB 31 56 13
22.4 Cincinnati Bengals 8 (100%) Rick Redman LB 44 44 19
22.5 New England Patriots 87 (100%) Milt Sunde OL 25 50
22.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 49 (100%) Steve Odom WR 44 38 50 38
22.7 Denver Broncos 98 (100%) Henry Reed LB 38 50 13
22.8 Cleveland Browns 47 (100%) Mike Livingston QB 13 44 44 44
22.9 Detroit Lions 31 (100%) Irv Goode OL 31 50
22.10 Kansas City Chiefs 43 (100%) Pat Sullivan QB 13 38 44 44
22.11 Atlanta Falcons 19 (100%) Mike Franks QB 13 56 38 44
22.12 Miami Dolphins 55 (100%) Roosevelt Manning DL 44 50 19
22.13 New York Giants 87 (100%) Leroy Mitchell DB 44 44 50
22.14 Dallas Cowboys 59 (100%) Dave Manders OL 19 50
22.15 Philadelphia Eagles 46 (100%) Sherman White DL 31 56 13
23.1 New York Jets 7 (70%) Mike Hennigan LB 31 50 13
23.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 76 (100%) Jim Hart QB 6 44 44 50
23.3 Chicago Bears 19 (100%) Bob Rowe DL 38 56 31
23.4 Cincinnati Bengals 59 (100%) Mike Garrett RB 38 44 31 50 44
23.5 New England Patriots 52 (60%) Nat Moore WR 38 31 50 38
23.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 56 (100%) Ron A. Johnson RB 38 38 38 56 44
23.7 Denver Broncos 77 (50%) Robert Newhouse RB 38 38 44 50 38
23.8 Cleveland Browns 87 (100%) Reggie Rucker WR 31 38 50 50
23.9 Detroit Lions 31 (100%) Mike Farr DB 50 38 44
23.10 Kansas City Chiefs 4 (100%) Joe Odonnell OL 19 50
23.11 Atlanta Falcons 15 (100%) Gary Weaver LB 31 50 13
23.12 Miami Dolphins 91 (100%) Don Cockroft K 63 69
23.13 New York Giants 85 (100%) Paul Martha DB 38 38 50
23.14 Dallas Cowboys 88 (100%) Bobby Anderson RB 38 31 69 50 25
23.15 Philadelphia Eagles 84 (100%) Pete Lazetich DL 44 50 13
24.1 New York Jets 14 (100%) Donny Anderson RB 38 44 31 50 31
24.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 15 (100%) Tom Beer TE 38 44 38 56
24.3 Chicago Bears 66 (35%) Tom Gatewood WR 31 31 50 44
24.4 Cincinnati Bengals 11 (100%) Efren Herrera K 50 50
24.5 New England Patriots 16 (100%) Ed Budde OL 19 50
24.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 82 (100%) Andre Tillman TE 31 56 50 31
24.7 Denver Broncos 89 (100%) Ernie Price DL 44 50 13
24.8 Cleveland Browns 52 (100%) Matt Snell RB 38 44 56 56 38
24.9 Detroit Lions 19 (100%) Homer Jones WR 25 50 50 25
24.10 Kansas City Chiefs 23 (100%) Andy Hamilton WR 31 38 50 44
24.11 Atlanta Falcons 51 (20%) Jim Bertelsen RB 38 44 44 50 31
24.12 Miami Dolphins 39 (65%) Jesse Freitas QB 13 38 38 50
24.13 New York Giants 3 (100%) Bo Rather WR 38 38 50 44
24.14 Dallas Cowboys 23 (100%) Joe Ferguson QB 13 50 38 44
24.15 Philadelphia Eagles 63 (100%) Jim Nicholson OL 31 44
25.1 New York Jets 52 (100%) Gary Lewis WR 44 38 56 50
25.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 8 (100%) Pete Banaszak RB 38 44 31 63 25
25.3 Chicago Bears 30 (90%) Steven Holden WR 31 31 50 38
25.4 Cincinnati Bengals 65 (30%) Alvin Maxson RB 38 25 31 38 25
25.5 New England Patriots 76 (80%) John McMakin TE 38 38 56 38
25.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 8 (100%) Mack Alston TE 31 50 50 38
25.7 Denver Broncos 20 (100%) John Lohmeyer DL 50 44 6
25.8 Cleveland Browns 62 (100%) Ray White LB 38 44 19
25.9 Detroit Lions 21 (100%) Dick Gordon WR 25 19 50 56
25.10 Kansas City Chiefs 25 (100%) Roy Gerela K 50 50
25.11 Atlanta Falcons 33 (100%) Ron Porter LB 38 50 13
25.12 Miami Dolphins 64 (100%) Jim Braxton RB 38 38 50 50 44
25.13 New York Giants 43 (100%) Alvin Reed TE 31 38 56 50
25.14 Dallas Cowboys 76 (100%) Rod Sherman WR 31 44 44 38
25.15 Philadelphia Eagles 59 (100%) Ernie Janet OL 31 44
26.1 New York Jets 21 (100%) John Gilliam WR 38 38 50 50
26.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 83 (100%) Earl McCullough WR 38 38 50 44
26.3 Chicago Bears 84 (100%) Leo Hart QB 13 50 38 50
26.4 Cincinnati Bengals 22 (100%) Dave Lewis P 69
26.5 New England Patriots 32 (100%) Ray Guy P 75
26.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 69 (100%) Hugh Mckinnis RB 38 38 38 50 38
26.7 Denver Broncos 1 (100%) Dan Abramowicz WR 31 25 56 56
26.8 Cleveland Browns 53 (100%) Ted Kwalick TE 38 38 50 44
26.9 Detroit Lions 39 (100%) Mike Reid DL 50 44 13
26.10 Kansas City Chiefs 65 (100%) Paul Warfield WR 38 38 50 50
26.11 Atlanta Falcons 38 (40%) Barry Smiths RB 38 38 44 50 38
26.12 Miami Dolphins 62 (100%) Billy Van Heusen P 81
26.13 New York Giants 42 (100%) John Brockington RB 38 31 50 50 31
26.14 Dallas Cowboys 44 (100%) Jan Stenerud K 69 69
26.15 Philadelphia Eagles 64 (100%) Ed Podolak RB 38 38 31 44 38
27.1 New York Jets 53 (100%) Ernie Kellerman DB 44 38 38
27.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 54 (100%) Frank Pitts WR 38 38 50 44
27.3 Chicago Bears 76 (100%) Larry Seiple P 81
27.4 Cincinnati Bengals 48 (80%) Terry Nelson WR 25 25 56 31
27.5 New England Patriots 56 (100%) Willis Crenshaw RB 38 25 75 50 25
27.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 74 (100%) Jim Seymour WR 31 31 50 44
27.7 Denver Broncos 67 (25%) Bo Matthews RB 38 38 19 56 44
27.8 Cleveland Browns 49 (100%) Gary Garrison WR 38 38 50 44
27.9 Detroit Lions 64 (100%) Jim Turner K 63 63
27.10 Kansas City Chiefs 10 (100%) Carroll Dale WR 38 38 56 50
27.11 Atlanta Falcons 69 (100%) Preston Riley WR 31 31 50 44
27.12 Miami Dolphins 65 (100%) Ken Burrow WR 31 31 50 44
27.13 New York Giants 55 (60%) Wayne Wheeler WR 38 31 50 38
27.14 Dallas Cowboys 9 (100%) Riley Odoms TE 38 50 63 50
27.15 Philadelphia Eagles 36 (100%) Bob Long WR 31 38 50 38
28.1 New York Jets 40 (100%) Spike Jones P 69
28.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 21 (100%) David Lee P 75
28.3 Chicago Bears 72 (40%) Larry Mialik TE 38 31 31 38
28.4 Cincinnati Bengals 34 (100%) Bill Van Heusen WR 31 31 50 44
28.5 New England Patriots 30 (100%) John Elliott DL 50 50 13
28.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 38 (100%) Horst Muhlmann K 69 63
28.7 Denver Broncos 11 (100%) John Ford TE 25 44 56 38
28.8 Cleveland Browns 86 (100%) Elvin Bethea DL 38 56 13
28.9 Detroit Lions 74 (100%) Fred Carr LB 44 38 13
28.10 Kansas City Chiefs 83 (100%) Lewis Jolley RB 38 38 31 50 31
28.11 Atlanta Falcons 40 (100%) Bill McClard K 44 44
28.12 Miami Dolphins 26 (100%) Willie Frazier TE 38 50 50 38
28.13 New York Giants 97 (100%) James Hamilton QB 13 50 38 38
28.14 Dallas Cowboys 32 (100%) Moses Denson RB 38 38 50 50 31
28.15 Philadelphia Eagles 12 (100%) Gary Keithley QB 13 44 38 38
29.1 New York Jets 40 (100%) Karl Kassulke DB 38 38 38
29.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 65 (100%) Essex Johnson RB 38 38 25 50 38
29.3 Chicago Bears 15 (100%) Errol Mann K 56 56
29.4 Cincinnati Bengals 75 (100%) Jim Carter LB 44 31 19
29.5 New England Patriots 35 (100%) Howard Twilley WR 31 31 56 44
29.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 96 (100%) Chuck Ramsey P 50
29.7 Denver Broncos 56 (100%) Tom Blanchard P 63
29.8 Cleveland Browns 66 (100%) Curt Knight K 50 50
29.9 Detroit Lions 66 (100%) Bob Klein TE 31 38 63 44
29.10 Kansas City Chiefs 27 (100%) Robert Creech LB 31 50 13
29.11 Atlanta Falcons 24 (100%) Jim Vellone OL 38 44
29.12 Miami Dolphins 11 (65%) Cullen Bryant RB 38 38 31 50 25
29.13 New York Giants 48 (100%) Don Shy RB 38 31 50 50 31
29.14 Dallas Cowboys 50 (100%) Donnie Davis WR 31 31 50 44
29.15 Philadelphia Eagles 60 (100%) Jon Henderson WR 31 31 50 38
30.1 New York Jets 34 (100%) Preston Pearson RB 38 38 31 50 38
30.2 Tampa Bay Buccaneers 70 (100%) Jim Bakken K 56 56
30.3 Chicago Bears 36 (100%) Emerson Boozer RB 38 38 38 50 38
30.4 Cincinnati Bengals 44 (100%) Diron Tolbert DL 50 50 13
30.5 New England Patriots 51 (100%) Jubilee Dunbar WR 38 25 50 38
30.6 Pittsburgh Steelers 48 (100%) Dennis Shaw QB 13 50 38 50
30.7 Denver Broncos 98 (100%) Dave Parks WR 25 25 50 44
30.8 Cleveland Browns 61 (100%) Julian Fagan P 63
30.9 Detroit Lions 65 (100%) Tom Wittum P 50
30.10 Kansas City Chiefs 23 (100%) Jim Harvey OL 44 44
30.11 Atlanta Falcons 11 (100%) Bruce Coslet TE 31 44 50 38
30.12 Miami Dolphins 27 (100%) Don Strock QB 13 38 38 38
30.13 New York Giants 82 (100%) Tim Rossovich LB 31 44 19
30.14 Dallas Cowboys 79 (100%) Jim McCann P 56
30.15 Philadelphia Eagles 95 (100%) Hubie Bryant WR 25 31 50 38

"Non-applicable" attributes are attributes that are either constant throughout the position or are linked to a certain MS attribute for defensive positions. These are not the irrelevant attributes of QUI or PA. Here is how they are broken down:

QB: RS:25, RP:69, HP:13
RB: RP:69
WR: RP:69, HP:13
TE: RS:25, RP:69
OL: RS:25, RP:69

DL & LB:
if MS > 56 then...RS:44, RP:56
if MS = 56 then...RS:38, RP:50
if MS = 50 then...RS:31, RP:44
if MS = 44 then...RS:25, RP:38
if MS < 44 then...RS:25, RP:31

if MS > 63 then...RS:44, RP:56
if MS = 63 then...RS:38, RP:50
if MS = 56 then...RS:38, RP:44
if MS = 50 then...RS:31, RP:38
if MS < 50 then...RS:25, RP:31
  • DAL. 23@
      DET. 7