Invalid query dude : select CASE WHEN (pos=3 AND (pMS+pREC>=88)) THEN 'A' ELSE 'B' END AS Grade, pUID, first, last, ttAbrev, ttTecmoOrder, sum(gsReceptions) as Receptions, sum(gsReceptionYards) as ReceptionYards, sum(gsReceptionYards)/sum(gsReceptions) as AvgRec, sum(gsReceptionTDs) as ReceptionTDs , tttID, pNumber, COUNT(DISTINCT(gsgUID)) as gp, pInjured from player_atts, tecmoplayer, standings, game_stats where pUID = pID AND pttUID = ttTecmoOrder AND pUID = gspUID AND plUID = 1 AND gslUID = plUID AND ttlUID = gslUID AND gsSeason = 2010 AND tttID = gsTeam AND psUID = gsSeason AND gsTeam = tttID AND psUID = ttsUID AND gsWeek <= 20 AND pos = 3 group by gspUID, gsTeam having sum(gsReceptions) > 0 order by desc, ReceptionYards desc, ReceptionTDs desc