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Remember Me
2006 day 790
First game Aug 1st, 2022
games remaining
133 / 135 (98.5%)
Past Champions
  • 2009 DPS (16-4-0)
  • 2008 DPS (13-8-0)
  • 2007 DPS (17-3-0)
  • 2006 iconboxingclub (16-4-0)
  • 2005 iconboxingclub (16-4-0)
  • 2004 eifer (14-7-0)
  • 2003 iconboxingclub (16-5-0)
  • 2002 DPS (17-3-0)
  • 2001 iconboxingclub (17-2-1)
  • 2000 DPS (14-7-0)
  • 1999 nos (16-4-0)
  • 1998 eifer (15-6-0)
  • 1997 nos (16-4-0)
  • 1996 nos (19-1-0)
  • 1995 nos (17-3-0)
  • 1994 iconboxingclub (18-2-0)
  • 1993 iconboxingclub (16-4-0)
  • 1992 iconboxingclub (15-4-0)
  • 1991 swampc1 (15-5-0)
  • 1990 DPS (15-5-1)
  • 1989 nos (17-3-0)
  • 1988 nos (18-2-0)
  • 1987 nos (16-3-1)
  • 1986 Prime (17-2-0)
  • 1985 FastEd (16-4-0)
  • 1984 iconboxingclub (15-4-1)
  • 1983 DPS (17-3-0)
  • 1982 bob sacamano (16-5-0)
  • 1981 AlphaTD (16-4-0)
  • 1980 eifer (14-7-0)
  • 1979 swampc1 (15-6-0)
  • 1978 FastEd (15-5-0)
  • 1977 eifer (15-6-0)
  • 1976 iconboxingclub (13-8-0)
  • 1975 FastEd (12-8-0)
  • 1974 eifer (16-5-0)
The 2006 GTFO Rookie Rolls Results

Only "applicable" attributes are shown for each position. Those include, for QB: MS, PS, PC, AB; for RB: RS, MS, HP, BC, REC; for WR: RS, MS, BC, REC; for TE: MS, HP, BC, REC; for OL: MS, HP; for DL, LB, & DB: MS, HP, INT; for K: KA, AKB; for P: KP.
Refer to the appendix at the bottom of this page for the standard attribute ratings for the "non-applicable" attributes.

Rd.Pick Team Roll Draftee Attributes
1.1 Buffalo Bills 54 (30%) Reggie Bush RB 63 50 19 44 38
1.2 New York Jets 55 (30%) Dbrickashaw Ferguson OL 38 56
1.3 Chicago Bears 70 (25%) Brandon Marshall WR 44 44 56 56
1.4 New England Patriots 47 (60%) Antonio Cromartie DB 56 31 44
1.5 Houston Oilers 85 (35%) Mario Williams DL 56 56 13
1.6 Minnesota Vikings 18 (35%) Devin Hester WR 44 56 50 25
1.7 Detroit Lions 80 (30%) Chad Greenway LB 50 56 31
1.8 Pittsburgh Steelers 99 (35%) Greg Jennings WR 44 44 50 56
1.9 Miami Dolphins 80 (20%) Nick Mangold OL 31 63
1.10 Cincinnati Bengals 78 (30%) DeMeco Ryans LB 50 50 19
1.11 New York Giants 69 (35%) Vince Young QB 25 75 31 38
1.12 Philadelphia Eagles 9 (50%) Maurice Jones-Drew RB 38 50 50 50 38
1.13 New Orleans Saints 87 (20%) Haloti Ngata DL 25 63 19
1.14 Los Angeles Raiders 74 (20%) Bernard Pollard DB 44 56 38
1.15 Dallas Cowboys 22 (70%) Rob Sims OL 31 50
2.1 Buffalo Bills 26 (50%) Jahri Evans OL 31 56
2.2 New York Jets 33 (50%) Roman Harper DB 50 63 44
2.3 Chicago Bears 81 (20%) Cortland Finnegan DB 56 50 44
2.4 New England Patriots 87 (25%) Elvis Dumervil DL 44 63 19
2.5 Houston Oilers 96 (10%) Willie Colon OL 31 44
2.6 Minnesota Vikings 30 (70%) Max Jean-Gilles OL 19 50
2.7 Detroit Lions 49 (45%) Tarvaris Jackson QB 19 75 31 44
2.8 Pittsburgh Steelers 71 (20%) Davin Joseph OL 31 44
2.9 Miami Dolphins 39 (50%) Brent Grimes DB 50 44 50
2.10 Cincinnati Bengals 87 (20%) Dawan Landry DB 44 69 44
2.11 Chicago Bears (thru GIA.) 98 (25%) Joseph Addai RB 44 50 44 50 38
2.12 Philadelphia Eagles 89 (20%) Tamba Hali DL 56 50 13
2.13 New Orleans Saints 50 (50%) Santonio Holmes WR 44 44 56 44
2.14 Los Angeles Raiders 21 (50%) Michael Huff DB 50 50 38
2.15 Dallas Cowboys 86 (20%) Aj Hawk LB 44 38 38
3.1 Buffalo Bills 16 (50%) Thomas Howard LB 44 63 38
3.2 New York Jets 8 (65%) DeAngelo Williams RB 38 44 38 50 31
3.3 Chicago Bears 42 (45%) Rashad Butler OL 44 50
3.4 New England Patriots 21 (50%) DQwell Jackson LB 44 56 25
3.5 Houston Oilers 96 (40%) Cedric Griffin DB 44 50 38
3.6 Minnesota Vikings 95 (15%) Vernon Davis TE 38 44 38 50
3.7 Detroit Lions 32 (50%) Marques Colston WR 38 44 50 44
3.8 Pittsburgh Steelers 16 (35%) LenDale White RB 38 38 56 38 38
3.9 Miami Dolphins 10 (60%) Deuce Lutui OL 25 50
3.10 Cincinnati Bengals 92 (10%) Donte Whitner DB 44 50 31
3.11 Chicago Bears (thru GIA.) 31 (70%) Chris Chester OL 31 44
3.12 Pittsburgh Steelers (thru PHI.) 35 (70%) Antoine Bethea DB 44 56 44
3.13 New Orleans Saints 50 (70%) Ryan Ocallaghan OL 25 44
3.14 Los Angeles Raiders 65 (70%) Tramon Williams DB 44 31 50
3.15 Detroit Lions (thru DAL.) 51 (70%) Delanie Walker TE 38 44 56 44
4.1 Buffalo Bills 77 (30%) Miles Austin WR 31 44 50 44
4.2 New York Jets 41 (70%) Leonard Pope TE 31 44 63 44
4.3 Chicago Bears 74 (20%) Marcedes Lewis TE 38 44 44 38
4.4 New England Patriots 45 (45%) Matt Leinart QB 13 56 31 50
4.5 Houston Oilers 66 (70%) Johnathan Joseph DB 44 44 50
4.6 Minnesota Vikings 92 (10%) Daryn Colledge OL 31 38
4.7 Detroit Lions 92 (10%) Ernie Sims LB 44 50 19
4.8 Pittsburgh Steelers 27 (70%) Mike Bell RB 38 38 56 50 31
4.9 Miami Dolphins 96 (10%) Stephen Gostkowski K 0 0
4.10 Cincinnati Bengals 69 (70%) Jeremy Trueblood OL 25 44
4.11 New York Giants 29 (70%) Domenik Hixon WR 44 44 63 38
4.12 Pittsburgh Steelers (thru PHI.) 38 (70%) Mathias Kiwanuka DL 38 50 19
4.13 New Orleans Saints 40 (70%) Laurence Maroney RB 38 38 44 50 25
4.14 Los Angeles Raiders 49 (70%) Jason Spitz OL 25 44
4.15 Detroit Lions (thru DAL.) 51 (40%) Rob Ninkovich DL 50 56 19
5.1 Buffalo Bills 42 (35%) Jay Cutler QB 13 81 38 50
5.2 New York Jets 42 (70%) Chris Morris OL 31 44
5.3 Chicago Bears 51 (70%) Kamerion Wimbley DL 38 56 19
5.4 New England Patriots 39 (70%) Gerris Wilkinson LB 38 44 13
5.5 Houston Oilers 53 (70%) Jerious Norwood RB 38 38 31 56 31
5.6 Houston Oilers (thru MIN.) 37 (70%) Leon Washington RB 38 31 19 44 44
5.7 Detroit Lions 11 (70%) Stephen Tulloch LB 38 56 19
5.8 Pittsburgh Steelers 92 (10%) A.J. Nicholson LB 19 38 25
5.9 Miami Dolphins 18 (70%) Clint Ingram LB 38 56 25
5.10 Cincinnati Bengals 8 (60%) Bruce Gradkowski QB 13 44 31 50
5.11 New York Giants 30 (70%) Ryan Cook OL 31 44
5.13 New Orleans Saints 63 (70%) Jerome Harrison RB 38 31 38 63 38
5.14 Los Angeles Raiders 89 (20%) Bobby Carpenter LB 38 38 13
5.15 Dallas Cowboys 20 (70%) Owen Daniels TE 38 44 44 44

"Non-applicable" attributes are attributes that are either constant throughout the position or are linked to a certain MS attribute for defensive positions. These are not the irrelevant attributes of QUI or PA. Here is how they are broken down:

QB: RS:25, RP:69, HP:13
RB: RP:69
WR: RP:69, HP:13
TE: RS:25, RP:69
OL: RS:25, RP:69

DL & LB:
if MS > 56 then...RS:44, RP:56
if MS = 56 then...RS:38, RP:50
if MS = 50 then...RS:31, RP:44
if MS = 44 then...RS:25, RP:38
if MS < 44 then...RS:25, RP:31

if MS > 63 then...RS:44, RP:56
if MS = 63 then...RS:38, RP:50
if MS = 56 then...RS:38, RP:44
if MS = 50 then...RS:31, RP:38
if MS < 50 then...RS:25, RP:31
  • DAL. 23@
      DET. 7